By: Lori ChenowethMay 30, 2013

Shepherdstown Landfill Brown Breaking Event PhotoThe Shepherdstown community held their “Brown Breaking” event on Thursday, May 9, 2013 to celebrate the beginning of cleanup for the former dump site that will be used for the future planned library.  Community members, legislators, and supporters gathered to witness this important step which will lead to a new community asset.  Read more in the Shepherdstown Chronicle about the “Brown Breaking” event.


Center for Community Progress Announces New Technical Assistance Scholarship Program RFA

The Center for Community Progress has announced their new Technical Assistance Scholarship Program Request for Applications (RFA).  For years, their technical assistance has benefited communities around the country to ...

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Downtown Appalachia to Offer Training on Mixed-Use Development

The Downtown Appalachia Redevelopment Initiative will offer a nationally recognized training on Mixed-Use Real Estate Finance from the National Development Council on March 31 – April 2 in Charleston. Small cities and ...

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Preserving West Virginia: Northern Railroad Water Tower

Built around 1900, Northern Railroad water tower in Kingwood was once an important stop on the rail lines that helped build our state. “They hauled sand, they hauled glass, ...

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