By: Carrie StatonAugust 12, 2019

Save the Tygart Watershed Association, Inc., is seeking qualifications for a LICENSED REMEDIATION SPECIALIST to enroll the Carr China Property through the West Virginia Voluntary Remediation Program and provide plans, specifications, and contract documents for the site’s cleanup and development. Complete Request details are available at the Save the Tygart website, or by contacting Dr. Kelley Flaherty at

Proposals will be evaluated upon the following criteria:

  • Technical competence;
  • Experience with risk management on metals and hydrocarbons contaminated sites;
  • Experience with Brownfield redevelopment of recreational sites ;
  • Experience with the West Virginia Voluntary Remediation Program;
  • Experience with carrying out EPA Brownfields program projects;
  • Clarity of communication in submitted materials;
  • Availability to work in the timeline provided.

Attention is directed to the fact that the proposed project is to be undertaken through various state and federal government grants (including a USEPA Brownfields Grant) and loans, and that all work shall be performed in accordance with the regulations issued by those agencies.

STTWA is not obligated to enter into a contract based on any proposal submitted in response to this document.


Site Success May Spur Aid

Local leaders have parlayed redevelopment of the Taylor, Smith and Taylor pottery property into an opportunity to do something similar at another northern Hancock County site, this time with ...

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Job Opportunities

NBAC Accepting Applications for BAD Buildings Program Associate

The West Virginia University Research Corporation (WVURC) seeks to hire a Program Associate in the Northern West Virginia Brownfields Assistance Center at West Virginia University. This position performs various ...

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Listen to NBAC Director Patrick Kirby Explain the BAD Buildings Program

Patrick Kirby, director of Northern West Virginia Brownfields Assistance Center, explains how WVU helps cities and counties in the state deal with BAD buildings – Blighted, Abandoned and Dilapidated ...

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