By: Lori ChenowethMarch 8, 2021

The WV Brownfields Conference & Main Street/ON TRAC Training combines educational programs with networking opportunities between communities, local governments, development professionals, and service providers. The conference features expert panels, interactive workshops, technical training, and project case studies.

The Conference Planning Committee is currently seeking session ideas to fill limited slots for the 2021 WV Brownfields Conference and Main Street/ON TRAC Training on September 14-16 We are currently exploring opportunities for a hybrid event, incorporating virtual sessions with the traditional face-to-face workshops that we missed in 2020.

We are now accepting proposals for virtual and in-person sessions. As we move through transitions in state and federal leadership, as well as navigating a post-pandemic world, we are prioritizing sessions related to transition, resilience, and new and trending topics in redevelopment. The agenda will feature sessions with broad appeal to both brownfield and downtown participants, as well as more specialized topics for different audiences. Creativity in presentation delivery, both virtual and in-person, are strongly encouraged.

The deadline for submitting your ideas is April 12. Sessions will be selected in early May.

To submit a proposal, complete the form on our 2021 Call for Sessions page.


USEPA awards $75,000 for Environmental Assessment at Wellsburg Brownfields Project

The Brooke Glass brownfields project in Wellsburg has received a $77,000 funding boost from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The funding, from USEPA’s Targeted Brownfields Assessment Program, will be ...

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Upcoming Webinars on FY14 Brownfields Grants

On November 22, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the FY14 guidelines for EPA Brownfields Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup (ARC) Grants.  The EPA will host ...

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Charles Town begins Demolition on Uninhabitable Structures

Charles Town’s commitment to revitalization has become apparent as two dozen vacant structures are being razed.  The Charles Town Vacant Structures board has been working with property owners to ...

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