The West Virginia Brownfields Conference was held in Morgantown in mid-September for a legitimate reason: proximity to higher learning. The conference moves to different areas of the state each year. Having the 8th Annual Conference in Morgantown provided local communities, development professionals and service providers ample networking opportunities.
“What happens when we have it in Morgantown, we actually get to attract some different university professors we’ve been collaborating with, we’ve had some students come, also we pull some from the Pittsburgh market,” said Patrick Kirby, the director of the Northern Brownfields Assistance Center. “From developers, with the steel towns in the northern part of the state, and the eastern part of the state. As well as some orchards and other former and industrial stuff out there.”
The conference featured a number of topics, including building demolition and environmental threats. Federal Agencies will also discuss upcoming plans, like the new initiatives brought up by the West Virginia Department of Agriculture.

Brownfields Conference Promotes Revitalization and Redevelopment

The West Virginia Brownfields Assistance Centers are teaching revitalization and redevelopment at their annual conference. The Centers brought together more than 300 people for the three day conference and ...

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NBAC Welcomes New Staff Member

The Northern West Virginia Brownfields Assistance Center (NBAC) is pleased to announce the addition of Kate Greene as its new Economic Redevelopment Specialist. The NBAC is a program of ...

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