The purpose of the Decision Enhancer Tool (DET) is to facilitate the redevelopment of potentially contaminated underutilized and/or abandoned properties.  The DET will help communities consider land reuse options and think about future uses for complex sites that are economically and environmentally sustainable.  The DET will also help communities assess the strength and weakness of a particular property.  Then they will be able to proactively develop strategies from the data gathered and results generated in the DET that will lead to productive redevelopment of selected properties.

Completion of the DET will generate a compelling site story that will provide the crucial information in order to attract potential investors and developers to your site. Our Decision Enhancer Tool was developed in conjunction with SRA International, Inc. and will help communities and stakeholders with guidance on the redevelopment of particular properties.

Completion of the Decision Enhancer Tool will help communities and stakeholders:

  • Answer the question: Why should we invest in ‘this’ site?
  • Learn how to collect the site characteristic data needed for their ‘site story’
  • Improve their project’s chance for success by determining options for its reuse
  • Learn the vocabulary to attract developers to their community


To learn how to use the DET and begin collection of site critical site data, please download and review the following documents.  If you have any questions, contact Luke Elser at the Northern WV Brownfields Assistance Center!