Due to ongoing public health and safety concerns and based on current recommendations and policies at West Virginia University, the Northern WV Brownfields Assistance Center has shifted all staff to working remotely.
Our on-campus offices are closed, but we are still working on priority programs and projects. This may impact our availability and response time as we all work to re-schedule and re-prioritize meetings, events, and other obligations in accordance with recommendations related to social distancing and disease prevention from the Centers for Disease Control to help prevent the spread of disease.
Updates to our schedules and status will be posted to the WV Brownfields Facebook pages.
Please feel free to reach out to any of our staff via email, and we will work to respond to the best of our ability and appreciate your understanding and patience as we navigate the current landscape.
We look forward to working closely with all of our communities and partners once the immediate public health concerns have been addressed.
Be well,
Patrick Kirby, Director
Northern WV Brownfields Assistance

Tour of City Kicks Off Summit
HUNTINGTON — There are all kinds of locations across Huntington that illustrate the recent success the city has experienced in dealing with dilapidated property, and plenty of locations that ...
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Paden City Seeks Cleanup Project Manager
PADEN CITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Paden City Development Authority (PCDA) is seeking proposals from qualified firms for: INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY EPA CLEANUP & REMEDIATION PROJECT Summary ...
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Upcoming Webinars on FY14 Brownfields Grants
On November 22, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the FY14 guidelines for EPA Brownfields Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup (ARC) Grants. The EPA will host ...
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