By: Lori ChenowethOctober 11, 2019

The Historic Morgantown Post Office Building, Inc. (HPO) is seeking a qualified Architectural Firm or Individual to provide design and planning services for the rehabilitation and restoration of the historic post office building and its Annex, formerly the Tanner Cultural Complex. Complete Requests details are available here or by contacting Jane Cardi at

All Potential Architects are required to attend a mandatory pre-proposal site walk scheduled at the Historic Morgantown Post Office Building, 201 High St., Morgantown, WV, 26505, on October 22, 2019, at 11:00 am.

Proposals will be evaluated upon the following criteria:

  • Quality, thoroughness, and clarity of the information.
  • Qualifications and experience of the architectural firm (includes review of references) working on rehabilitation of listed historic properties.
  • Qualification and experience with Federal & State historic tax credits.
  • Qualification and experience of individual staff who will be working on this project.
  • Organization/management approach and involvement for the successful completion of the project.

Scoring criteria and the selection process will include factors of qualifications and experience in historic preservation, specifically related to work required to meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation

Trustees of the reserve the right to reject any Architect on the basis of the proposal submitted.


Community Members Meet in Lost Creek to Discuss Rail Trail Project

LOST CREEK — The first in a series of community meetings on the future of Harrison County’s rail trails took place at the Lost Creek Community Building Tuesday evening. ...

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USEPA awards $75,000 for Environmental Assessment at Wellsburg Brownfields Project

The Brooke Glass brownfields project in Wellsburg has received a $77,000 funding boost from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The funding, from USEPA’s Targeted Brownfields Assessment Program, will be ...

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