By: Carrie StatonJuly 2, 2021

The BAC at WVU is thrilled to share that we are back in action!

Starting in July, our staff is back to the office most of the week, and we are slowly starting to get back on the road and out to see your projects while following all appropriate state and local guidelines.

Exciting – and BUSY! – times!

The late summer and through the fall is always a busy time in the world of brownfields, with conferences and EPA grant season beckoning. This year is no different – and in a lot of ways our busiest year yet. Here’s a quick look at what’s on the horizon for our team in the coming months.

Expanding our Team

With all of the new grants and projects in our future, we are looking for two new people to join our team. These positions will provide technical assistance and support to projects across WV and through EPA Region 3 as part of our EPA TAB grant (more below). So if you or someone you know is passionate about redevelopment, the environment, helping communities, or all of the above, think about joining our team!

WV Brownfields 2021 – Huntington Here We Come!

We can’t wait to finally have our redevelopment reunion in Huntington on September 14-15. The Brownfields Conference and Main Street/ON TRAC Training is our favorite time of year because we get to see all of our partners and hear more about the projects and resources around the state. Though we’re a bit scaled back to be safe, we’ve got a great agenda and a lot of exciting programming planned, including our two receptions and some exciting mobile workshops. Check out the conference website to see the agenda, nominate someone for a WV Brownfield Award, and register before early bird rates end!

Prepping for EPA Grants

EPA grant season is just around the corner, and it’s never too early to start getting prepared. This is a great year to apply, and the BACs at WVU and Marshall can support your application in a number of ways. To get started, join us for the next two installments of our in-depth look at the Brownfield Grant application process. You’ll hear from the Centers, WV Department of Environmental Protection, and directly from the US EPA about how to navigate the process and what reviewers are looking for in a quality application. Learn more and register soon!


West Virginia Brownfields Conference to Highlight Collaborative Approach to Community Redevelopment Projects

The West Virginia Brownfields Assistance Centers will host their 9th annual West Virginia Brownfields Conference on Sept. 11 and 12 at the Big Sandy Superstore Arena in Huntington. This ...

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2023 WV Brownfield Award Winners

In the midst of all this uncertainty, one thing remains steady for the NBAC staff: our commitment to our projects, communities, and partners. We miss interacting with you and visiting your sites and events, but we remain hard at work and available to you as needed.

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Shepherdstown Library Project Celebrates “Brown Breaking”

The Shepherdstown community held their “Brown Breaking” event on Thursday, May 9, 2013 to celebrate the beginning of cleanup for the former dump site that will be used for ...

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