We want to help guide you through the redevelopment process. Use our resources or contact us with any questions on how to use them. We’d love to hear from you!


The Brownfields Assistance Centers tools, publications, and project listings provide assistance, guidance, and examples to help guide our statewide stakeholders.

Brick building Brick building

Getting Started

You have a brownfield or blighted property. Now what?

How do I get funding or a project? What properties qualify? Who do I contact about a project? Can a brownfield site be redeveloped as a greenspace? What types of buildings can I build here?

We can help you ask all the right questions before even starting your project, so that once you start you’ll have considered every option and can hit the ground running.

Old Building

Brownfields Inventory

View a comprehensive list of all active brownfield constructions projects across West Virginia.

Abandoned School